Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I miss Walt Disney. I really do.

Remember these? :')
I grew up watching these........

Do you still remember watching Mickey Mouse? Do you still remember "......and they live happily ever after"? Do you still remember love in so many ways? Do you still remember supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? Do you still remember?

All of sudden, I started browsing disney classic fairytale. Disney Chanel now is nothing compared to the old days. Seriously, I miss the 'happily ever after'. I am actually listening to Disney Soundtrack. I miss watching my daily cartoons. I miss how I desperately want to be a Cinderella. I really miss all those cartoon. Diney Chanel, replay back all of these movies? Please? Replay back Cinderella,Aladdin,Little Mermaid,Beauty&Beast, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty. Please :( Or just replay back Mary Poppins.

The soundtrack of these movies are so much more deep meaning and eargasm. These soundtracks ease my mind rather than nowadays songs. I prefer old english songs than today's.

Classic Fairytale, truely miss it. I really do :') I miss believing in fairies. I miss believing in happily ever after.

The song remind me of this down below. I wanna go there again! x

Until then, Assalamualaikum.

Lots of love, Syafiqah Ismail. Xoxo