Hey and Assalamualaikum.
However, I am grateful, I had the chance to travel to Bandung, which was splendid fun! I envy those who travel in Europe or United States or any four season country. But I feel grateful enough :')
How time flies. Another week and I'll be back in school. Yeah, homeworks, teachers nagging. A lot more effort I must put since I'm gonna be in the upper form. Pheuww, SPM is waiting for me. Scary :\ I feel so blessed I'm alert about it & I aim to be more serious in upper form. InsyaAllah.
A nerd girl with black frame spec, a school prefect. Oyeaaah, I'll be a perfect nerd girl♥
Who can't live without internet connection? Obviously, everyone in this century. But something is bothering me. I lost my interest to surf internet. But the most weirdest thing is, I lost my interest in music. I'm starting to hear old songs. Eargasm though. Anyway, I lost my interest to tweet in Twitter. I lost my interest in Facebook. I lost my interest in Tumblr. & I lost my interest in Blogger too. I feel like I have waste so much time. But. without this how can I go through my normal life? Pheuw, school start faster please. I've rest myself too long. I need to write essays again. I need to write so my writing wouldn't be weird. I need to start this student life. Believe it or not, I'm really excited to learn. & I hope this excitement would not fade when I start learning. InsyaAllah.
Until then, Assalamualaikum :)
Lots of love, Syafiqah Ismail. Xoxo.