Monday, August 6, 2012

People change.

Hey and Assalamualaikum :)

It has been a very very long time since I pour my heart out though this babyblog. It has grown to a childblog already. LOL jk, yeah, not funny at all *facepalm*

Life has been magnificent. It's already August now. How times flies eh? Guess it's riding on a jet perharps. So fast. Rewinding back the memories early of the year, it felt like it was last year. Yeah, time flies so fast that I feel like January 2012 is January 2011. No kidding :\ Since time flies so fast, it's a sign that we haven't much time left. Regardless of this beautiful life, I'm scared how I would be in my final destination; the grave. Underground :| Lately, I've been thinking about death. How I'm really scared to be there alone. Are my deeds good enough to qualify myself entering Jannah? Al-Firdaus? :') Stop. Am I even good enough to pass the tests in the grave? Allahu.... These kind of things kept replaying in my head. Over and over again. Humans, as I am, makes mistakes, therefore I'm here trying to change to be the best among the best. Trying to be a great Muslimah, a great slave of Him, a great daughter to my parents, a great student &hopefully,insyaAllah a great wife&mother in the future.

For the past few months, life had tortured me. Despite the bitterness, there will always be a sweetness behind all those pains. Allah knows the best for us. If He tests you with something hard, He loves you :') Remember okay? :)
Teenagers, please don't be rude towards your mom. If your mom cooks for you, eat it 'cause who knows one day she's not there for you to cook your favourite dish and for sure you will miss it so much :') Please love your mother and never disobey her. She's your one and only mother. And y'know what's the reward if you disobey your mother, right?
To not having a mom for about 1 week is just awful and I just can't imagine how my life would be if I lose her :') To see your mom lying on the bed, all the wires, the machine... To not react when you hold her hands... Allahu.... But Alhamdulillah, to see her just like normal now is such a beautiful miracle. Allah is The Greatest :')

I don't know what to type anymore........... Hahaha. sorry guys! Lack of idea, I'll jot it down whenever it came across my mind aite?
Until then!

And oh!
Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak!
Enjoy every bits of Ramadhan, don't let this golden month slip away without no reward for you!
This might be your last Ramadhan.
But InsyaAllah, may Allah let us live longer.