May peace be upon you.
I really don't know what to say right now. I feel so blessed. I feel so grateful. I feel so loved :') Allahu.. Only Allah knows how I'm feeling. Un-describe-able. How calming this is though it was a tough,rough start. Allah Ar Rahman.. Ar Rahim..
If you do it for the sake of Allah, InsyaAllah, Allah will ease everything for you. InsyaAllah Allah will rewards you more than what you have gave up, all because of Him. Allahurabbi.. Isn't He generous? :')
I maybe cruel for what I've done towards you. I might be a heartbreaker. But deep inside, you know what was my real intention, right? And so did Allah. Alhamdulillah, He had showed me things I need to know after I'd seeked for His help :') It was pretty rough at first, surely, it was the hardest thing I had ever done in my entire life. It was the hardest decision I had ever made.
Thank you for being such a wonderful man. The most wonderful attractive loving ...(too many to list out :p).. man I had ever met. And so, all I had prayed for was a halal ending for us. A halal relationship. A relationship where you can be my Imam for my Fardhu prayer :') That was what I had always wanted. But, we might be doing it the wrong way. People can say tease and laugh for what I'd done, but hey, if you and your boyfriend are not meant to be together, then will you end up to be his wife? Will you? Heh. Naww that's the point :)
If your name and my name had been written to be together in Loh Mahfuz, then who can change the fate? Yes, the power to choose our legal partner is in our hands, I'm crystal clear about it.
But I want it to be this way. So please, let it be my way.
When the perfect&right time has come, let me be your legal partner. I'll be forever yours and you'll be forever mine :') Let us change to be the best Muslim & Muslimah. Let us love Allah,Rasulullah saw,parents and ourself first before loving anybody else.
I ain't a noble person. I had a very dark past, therefore, a bright future is what I want to seek right now. I still do a lot of mistakes and small sins, I ain't perfect. I'm just a tiny little slave among billions of other slaves. However, by all means, I want to be the best. May Allah guide me the way. May Allah ease everything. May Allah let me to be in His Jannah :')
And for you, to Allah I'll always pray to be your legal partner in the future. InsyaAllah :)
Let us change to be a better person. A better Muslimah. 'Cause we don't know how much longer we can live in this world.
Read your book. Do you have enough supply to face Allah swt during the Judgement Day?
I haven't.