Friday, February 10, 2012


Hey and Assalamualaikum :)

I apologize for being silence for quite a long time. I rarely get the chance qonquering the laptop.
Yeah, please understand :) I know you guys missed me badly. Lol, perasan much.

People, below are videos that you should watch. Highlighted for Muslims.
Enjoy :) A piece of advice, which might can open your mind and heart :')

Kinda funny because Anwar Hadi looking at an opposite direction with Adibah. Hihihi

I love the way she speaks! She's a debater, so, yeah.

Myself is trying to be a better Muslimah. Try to pray right after azan. iTry to cover myself properly. 
It does feels a little awkward at first and people would wondering why you kinda change but hey, it's for the sake of yourself and you do it for Allah S.W.T. Isn't that awesome?
I thank Allah swt as he also changes and trying to be a better Muslim. Subhanallah :') I'm really grateful with his improvement. For instance, actually I never like him wearing shorts and Alhamdulillah, he tried not to wear it. Alhamdulillah.

Again, Alhamdulillah, InsyaAllah he'll be one of Allah swt guests in Mekah. He'll get the chance to pray in front of Kaabah :') Yes, I envy so much. I badly wanna go there instead of Europe or anywhere else. I wanna visit Muhammad s.a.w and be a part of His guests :') InsyaAllah. As he said, "don't be jealous. Your time will come". Currently, I'm holding the words. TIGHT. 
p/s: Don't really think of me when you're there okay? Don't. Focus on your Umrah,okay love? :)

I think that's it for now. I'll update if I have time :) Too much homeworks to be done! Adios Amigos! Stay tuned for another post :) -sorry as this blog is boring and empty :')

Until then, Assalamualaikum.

Lots of love, Syafiqah Ismail. Xoxo.