Friday, February 24, 2012


Hey and Assalamualaikum :)

Heyyyoooooo mah ohsem readerhh! Ahaks~ Lols. 'Sup man? All smooth and clear? Great! So......... I am actually lazy to update the blog but still diligent to do it. Hah! Get it? No? Good, no need to understand :p
Okay, enough.

Alhamdulillah. I managed to handle 9 subjects, for now. Alhamdulillah. Praise to Allah swt :') Addmaths is okay but still I'm nervous to face the +M Paper after school holidays in March :\ Got praised by the Teacher, "One of the best books" Ahaks~ & also my English teacher "You can score A+ y'know. A very nice piece of essay. Very matured" Awww :') I am so delighted! However, I will never ever let myself stuck in the comfortable zone. On the other hand, I am totally love with Chemistry. Wohoooo! Physics, MathMode, Pai, B.Melayu, Sejarah & Account. I am loving all the subjects :p No lies :p InsyaAllah, I will work harder to strive high grades. Pray for my success okay :')

Alhamdulillah. Everything's fine. Alhamdulillah :') My mom is still in unstable health, please pray for her :\ Sometimes she's okay but sometimes she's not. Because of the food she ate perharps? Mhm. I don't know. I just hope she will heal in a nick of time and will be able to do her daily routines like usuaaal! Mama, stay strong :')
Problems? Alhamdulillah. I rarely have problems. But if I do, InsyaAllah I will try to handle it. Hey people, if you got problems, remember, Allah is testing you! Allah loves you. Allah wants you to be patient. There's always reasons behind every obstacle you're facing :) Pray to Allah! He wants you to remember Him always! InsyaAllah, the problem will be solved but of course with your effort also.

Y IS IT TWITTER IS SO ADDICTIVE?!? Even after I wake up, it is a must to open Twitter. Sigh. Anyway, Twitter is awesome ok! It's never boring but sometimes it does when there's too many dramas. You should sign up too! && be a part of Twitterjaya Family! :') 
FACEBOOK = BORING. Same old thing. I love to stalk people, so, Facebook is the perfect place for stalker like me! Be careful, I'm stalking you :p Lol jk.

 Muhammad Faez Ezanee, thank you for everything. I love you to bits! x 9months and still counting... InsyaAllah :') 
I would like to share with you guys, my doa;
"Jika benar tulang rusuk ini milik ____(nama dia)____, Ya Allah, Kau satukanlah hati kami. Kukuhkanlah perhubungan kami. Jika benar aku bakal pendampingnya di dunia ini, jika benar aku bakal pendampingnya di syurga nanti InsyaAllah, jika benar sudah tertulis nama dia sebagai jodohku di Loh Mahfuz, Kau kekalkanlah hubungan ini agar dapat berakhir dengan satu tali perikatan yang sah di sisi Islam. Oleh itu, Ya Allah, jauhilah kami dari kesesatan. Jauhilah kami dari kemasksiatan. Kau bukakanlah pintu hati kedua ibubapa kami agar dapat menerima perhubungan ini, Ya Allah."
The prayer , every single day :') 
Found on Kak Aleena's blog :)

I believe; Kalau jodoh tak kemana. InsyaAllah, Muhammad Faez Ezanee tak kemana dari saya :p

I cannot believe you did that to her, you jerk. I am so dissappointed in you, young man. Did you know how deep she'd been hurted? Did you know you have left an enormous scar in her heart? Did you realise that? I tried to be patient with you but I could not stand it anymore after you've hurted my closefriend. My sister. You've hurted my sister. You are a complete jerk, young man.
I don't understand you. I don't understand the way you treat ladies. How can you be in a relationship with a person and fall for someone else? Really? That desperate to have ladies? You're treating them, WRONG.
I hope you will taste your own medicine SOON. ASAP. As soon as possible. Because you deserve to feel what it's like being mistreated. &Maybe by that, you will realise your mistakes. And with Allah's power, you will be a better man. I hope so. InsyaAllah. I really hope you will wake up from that dreamland. From the 'playground' of the dreamland. YOU NEED TO BE MORE SERIOUS. ACT LIKE A MAN, jerk.

I think that's all. Got so many homeworks to do. Have fun with your weekend guys! Until then, Assalamualaikum :)

p/s: The pictures of the will be post tonight! ;)