Tuesday, January 14, 2014

It has been awhile.

Assalamualaikum and hello there. Its almost 2014 already, how time really flies so fast. It’s been awhile since me isolating myself from blogging. I miss pouring my hearts out in words.

SPM is over! PHEWWWW! You can’t tell how excited I was when it was over! 26/11/2013 was the last paper. I’ll be missing studying a lot. Really. I’ll miss every single thing about school and mostly people who cherish my days back in school. People who made me wanna go to school instead of staying home. The teachers are AH-MA-ZING. I had never imagine better teachers, such dedicated to their works and treated us just like their own children. They took care of us when we were at school therefore they are ; our step parents. Hehe just kidding. What I cannot believe too is that I’m no longer a high school student. They say high school years are the best days of your life. It was indeed no lie. So, the days after SPM is over is pretty boring. Nah, kidding. VERY BORING. Literally, all I do is eat sleep get up and repeat every single day.

Few day after LK paper was over, flood occurred in Kemaman. It was said to be the worst since foreeever. Usually when the flood season come in, my house has never felt the impact of it. But this year, the electricity was out for days and there was no water supply too. Food supply was pretty limited too. At that time, I could really feel the effects. I pity them who got affected real hard. Tests from God, that’s for sure. Also, phone line had no coverage for almost a week. When my phone line suddenly changed from “No Service” to “Celcom”, I’ll be a maniac. Like a psychopath to be honest. Yep, ain’t lying.

....... got no idea what to talk about now. I’ll update in the future insyaAllah. Salam Maulidur Rasul. Assalamualaikum.