Saturday, April 21, 2012

Replied :)

20 Apr 12, 07:22 PM
guest: walaupun copy post dr blog orang, tp at least baca dulu semua isinya, jgn sebarkan benda yg x patut
20 Apr 12, 07:22 PM
guest: itu adalah Kalamullah. So just letak firman Allah, tak perlu tweet or sms.
20 Apr 12, 07:21 PM
guest: tolong tukar 'sms Allah' & 'tweet Allah'. Seakan-akan meletakkan sifat manusia pada Allah.
20 Apr 12, 07:02 PM
XX: maknanye couple haram lah ? habis ko couple tu ?

Hey and Assalamualaikum.

Dear XX, how can I put this in a sentence eh? Kalau awak click dari Facebook sy, sy letak caption 'I am speechless and clueless'. CLUELESS. Saya tak tahu nak describe macam mana couple tu. Sy couple? Mungkin ya, mungkin tidak. Entah, I really don't know how to answer. Couple = Cinta? Betulkah? Saya dah lama tak sebut perkataan CINTA ni sebab saya geli sangat bila sebut perkataan tu. Dalam kamus hidup saya, saya hanya sayang seseorang &mungkin tahap 'cinta seseorang' tu belum sampai? Saya pun runsing and pening bila cakap pasal ni. Yang pasti, memang dah lama saya tak ungkapkan perkataan 'cinta' tu.

Based on googling, couple ini bila dia mengisytiharkan hubungan mereka.
Tapi ada juga yang kata, tak haram kalau kekasih kita tu kita berniat untuk menikahinya. Maka, dalam Islam, it's already an engagement. Maka, tidak haram.

This is confusing. Honestly, there's always something in my mind. There's always something I always think about. About couple ni lah. But it's too private to cry out loud in the public. Awak tahu ke apa yang berada dalam minda saya? Manalah tahu saya berniat nak berubah ke arah kebaikan tetapi hanya menunggu masa untuk berbuat sedemikian? Awak tahu? Tak tahu kan?

Mungkin awak akan cakap, berubah untuk kebaikan pun perlu tunggu masa ke? Yes, memang perlu masa. Perlu masa untuk mengambilkira semua faktor. You can't just change your behaviour drastically. Of course, there's stages before becoming a better person. There's stages. Macam orang yang baru pakai tudung, will she automatically wear long hijab? No, right? Dia mungkin akan cover rambut dia tapi nampak leher dulu, after that, cover rambut and leher and after that cover her breast and the stages of becoming a better Muslimah keeps increasing. See? There's stages and that's where I am right now. I am trying to be a better Muslimah, InsyaAllah. Mind praying for me and all of our sisters of Islam? InsyaAllah, because only to Allah we seek help :')

Pesanan tu bukan untuk awak semua sahaja, untuk diri saya juga. For us to be better and yes, me, myself is not that noble. Nobody's perfect. InsyaAllah, I'm trying to be a better Muslimah. Before I posted the post, this kind of question is something I'd expected. Yes, people will judge you when you try to deliver message. The message itself is for ALL OF US. I repeat, ALL OF US. Including myself. On the other hand, I am not the one who wrote it, I am the one who deliver the message. Just like in Facebook where you share the post/article about Islam, right?

Perumpaan yang boleh saya buat bila awak tujukan soalan tu; Ibaratnya seorang perempuan yang bertudung tetapi pemakaian yang tidak terlalu tutup aurat yang menyampaikan pesanan supaya perempuan yang tidak bertudung menutup aurat. And for sure, orang yang terasa dengan pesanan itu, akan marah mungkin dan berkata; Kau tu tutup aurat pun tak betul, nak pesan dkat orang pulak. Lebih kurang macam tu lah.

Mhm, do you guys understand what I'm trying to say here? Hope you can understand :) I am not perfect and that's for sure.

Dear guest, thankyou for your advice. Sorry, saya langsung tak fikir pasal tu. In my mind, the word 'tweet/sms' from Allah is like a message from Allah swt. I am really sorry :') And thank you so much! InsyaAllah, I'll be more careful. Thankyou :)

As the conclusion, let us try to be a better Muslim/Muslimah. InsyaAllah. And people, if I'd made a mistake, don't be afraid to correct me because people's perspective are one of the way to learn. Different people have different thoughts, that's why you need to share your thoughts so people can learn more. Don't be afraid to speak out even if it's wrong. *note to self*

Until then, Assalamualaikum :)

Lots of love, Syafiqah Ismail. Xoxo.