Hey and Assalamualaikum :)
"Sometimes it last in love, but sometimes it hurts instead" - Adele.
Yes people, sometimes love does stays forever, which had been the reason why we trust "Forever Love" exist. But sometimes, Allah had made better plans for you. Fate that had been set for you changes the reality. Fate changes your 'loveland fantasies'. Fate can change everything. Y'all do understand, right?
Love&promises, you can't take this two away from each other. When we are happy and in love, we tend to make promises. A lot of promises. A LOT. I know, I've been through it :') But sometimes, promises are meant to be broken. A lot of promises will break in a relationship wether you realise it or not, it does. When everything starts to change, when love starts to fade, promises break. Deal with it, I know it's a fact.
Friends, if he/she runs from you. Just stay where you are and don't look back. If you really love him/her, you're willing to let go of them and let them seek for their happiness. If you really love him/her, you wouldn't mind if you're hurt as long as he/she is happy, you're happy. If you and him/her were destined together, don't worry, he/she will come back. "Happiness comes to those who are willing to wait".
Mark these words in your head. Make it vivid and clear in your memory. Allah wouldn't test His servants if they aren't able to face it. Allahuakbar, Allah Maha Besar. He knows the best for you. Have faith in Him. This is only a test from Him. A test for you to be stronger, "Pain makes you stronger". A test for you to grow up and realise that love doesn't always bloom all season.
I know and I understand, it's damn hard to let go of someone you love, but hey, you might find someone better than him/her. Someone who will always be there for you in your ups&downs, tears&laughters, joy&pain. Someone who will love you for who you are a lot better than he/she did. Wake up! Don't snooze the clock. Face the fact that you had lost him/her already. This is only the beginning of your life. Don't let this ruins you, ruins your happiness. No, don't let it happen.
There's a long journey to go in your life. Please, be strong. Be strong and face the reality. We have bones for God sake! Of course we're strong, am I right? *LameJoke.
Hey, take a look into a mirror and tell the person in the mirror "You are weak! Wake up! You need to be stronger! You can do this, you can face this. Allah had better plans for you." Yes, it's true. Allah had better plans ahead of you. Have faith in Him, The Almighty. He knows the past, the present and the future :')
Even without a partner, you always have your family and friends right beside you. They are the one who will always be there for you in whatever situation. Let's breath in new fragrance of life, shall we? Let's breath in fresher air. Let go of the past and be prepared for the future.
Lots of love, SyafiqahIsmail. Xoxo