Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Run out of words.

Hey and Assalamualaikum.

Before I start the second post of 'Traveller', allow me to express my feelings and thoughts.

How time flies so fast when one's having a good time. Wait, good time is it? I don't know, it had been a very unproductive holiday for me. As always. We are now back to December. By all means, it is almost time for "Back to School" moment. Where advertisement about discount on school stuffs and blaa blaa. K I'm crapping. 

If it's December. Well, the climax of PMR Candidate is already near the corner. Phiuwwww! I mean, the result will be out. THIS IS SCARY!! 22 December 2011 or 23 December 2011. Rumors said that the result might come out on either 22nd or 23rd. Really am scared to go to school and face the actual result of PMR. It's the matter of "is your hard work paid off" time. Y'know what I mean. It's not only a piece of damn paper contains 8A's or below. It is actually a piece of evidence wether you succeed in those three form. Memorizing all the topics and being able to accomplish a very good grade in all of the subjects you'd learnt.

 I realize that I was completely playful when the first time I stepped in the secondary school life. But what can I do about it, it is already a past. I can only wished I will be better in the future. Yes, a better person. Having to know that I'll the SPM Candidates in 2013 had made me slap my face and remind myself "I need to be serious right now. It's your future, girl". But, can I? Me? Being serious? It is sort of impossible. But hey, thank you Justin Bieber for teaching me to NEVER SAY NEVER. Yes, never say never. Never say you can't even it's impossible. Nothing is impossible. Well, not really. Ahh, ignore it.

"Ya Allah, izinkanlah aku untuk mencapai kejayaan di dunia-Mu ini. Izinkanlah aku untuk mencapai 8A PMR. Sesungguhnya, aku tidak sanggup mengecewakan kedua ibubapa. Izinkanlah aku, Ya Allah". InsyaAllah, I will achieve those 8A's. Deep down inside, somehow, I know I can score this. I know I can be among the Straight A's PMR achiever. I know. InsyaAllah. Allah Maha Pendengar. 

Lots of love, Syafiqah Ismail. xoxo