At this particular moment, I don't know why but I miss him a lot. You're far up there in the West Coast. I'm right here down in the East Coast. Yes, distance. I really don't mind long-distance relationship. No, love doesn't mean you have to see that person every single day. Love isn't about holding hands,hugging. No, if you think love is about that, you better get the facts right.
Love is a feeling from the heart. A sincere feeling of loving someone/something. Love what makes world at peace. Without love, it's nothing. Imagine living in a heartless world. Wow, un-imagine-able. Love is a big word. People nowadays, well I guess, most of teenagers nowadays misused the word "I love you". Y'know, saying that without a deep meaning. For me, you're just a jerk. Playing with a very powerful word that contains a very deep meaning.
Whoops, why am I explaning about love. Okay, ignore it. Let's continue with the post title.
"Long-distance won't kill".
Distance won't kill the way I feel about you. It wouldn't kill my love towards you. It wouldn't kill.
This love would never fade.
However, despite that I trust you, I'm still scared of losing you. The fear of losing you seems like can't get away from my head. I'm always afraid if you find someone better that will replace me. But, you will always convince that you wouldn't. You wouldn't replace me. Yes, I trust you. Ahhh, screw you fear. I'll kill you someday. I wish....
Guys, if you're in a long-distance relationship, you really need these things;
A very important thing. Love is nothing without trust. You really need to trust your partner. He/She will definitely feel delightful if you trust them. You have to have faith towards them. Find a person that you can trust. A person that you can trust when you're telling them secrets. A person that you can trust whenever having a problems, they're the one who will lend their ears and hear you.
C'mon. Who would want to be with a player? Loyalty means he/she wants to be with you :')
They're still loyal to you eventhough you are going through your worst situation. They are there for you. They are always there in whatever situations.
Honesty is the best policy. Eventhough the truth hurts but it's better that comfort them with lies. Imagine if the lies were reveal, the cut will be deeper. No, please don't lie. Nobody loves a liar. NOBODY.
Now, here I am laying on the bed, typing about this love thing in 3 am in a quiet morning. I can hear the crickets singing. Stars are shining down. Moon lighting up so beautifully.
Because of silence, my heart speaks..
"Dear you, I miss so much right now. I know you are missing me too. Hehehe. Eventhough, we rarely meet each other. But everytime we do, it's very meaningful. I enjoy every moments of ours. Long distance is not so bad afterall is it? No, our love are getting stronger each day.
You are crapping all the time, you ignore me when I'm hyper. Ohh... How could you? *cries* Nahhh :p It's okay. I still love you. I thank you for being there for me even it's only through phone. I appreciate all the things you had done. I thank you for your honesty and I really do miss our "story time" while on the phone,where we always skip cause you're too sleepy.
You're busy with all those assignments,cycling,gym and stuffs. I don't mind. I get it :) 'Cause I'll do the revenge when I'm back to school. Muahaha *evil laugh* Hihihi. Kiddinglah :B
And thank you for your loyalty, though I know there are so many beautiful girls in UTP eh? Oh yeah, cause I own your heart! Girls, try to have the key of his heart from me :p K I'm crapping.
I came to realize, I'm lonely when you're absent. You give me the taste of happiness. You are the best love I had ever had. Yes, I really want us to last. Not just in this world. But, I want to meet you in Jannah. I want to be with you in the hereafter. That's whats matter the most. InsyaAllah. I want you to lead me to the right pathway.
Thankyou for loving me. Thank you for entering my life. Thankyou for changing my heartless heart. I can't thank enough. I promise, I'll love you with all my heart. I really do :')
But, mark this; if I'm not the one, if you found another girl, I am willing to let you go. I love you, love"
I know, some of you ADULTS might laugh while reading this. In your head, you might say "You're still younglah" or what so ever. But hey, you guys had went the same thing right? It's a lie if you don't love someone in your teenager life. Secretly fell in love? Crushes? We,teenagers, are going through the same thing :')
Lots of love, SyafiqahIsmail. Xoxo