Friday, December 23, 2011

Success :')

Hey and Assalamualaikum :)

22 DECEMBER 2011

So, the night before the result, well to be exact, a few hours before going to school, resah gelisah gundah gulana semua ada. Bercampur-baur sekali perasaan. 
Timeline Twitter full pasal PMR. Senior yang takutkan junior pun ada. Sabar je lah!
News Feed Facebook pun, it's all about PMR PMR PMR. Ah, bosan tahu? Potassium, I'm not bored but I was effing scared to the max at that time :\

Frankly speaking, I was okay at first. I was calm and chill eventhough result nak keluar esok. But then, "Good luck Fyqa!" "Goodluck Kak Fy" Ahhhhhhhhh! You guys made the butterflies come again!! But I'm touched korang wish goodluck :') I'm sensitive gurlzz okeyhhh :] *peace*

a few of the wishers :') Thank you so much.

I woke up at 6.35am for Subuh. And, right after that, I can't sleep. Sakit perot weh, nervous punya pasal ah ni. Online and try to sleep for a while to reduce this butterflies. Imma catch them in ma sleep you know? And I did catch them in sleep! Claps claps for me! Oyeaaaah I'm awesome 8) Lol,potassium.

At school, the weather was windy. Which makes me so cold. &anda tahu bukan bila nervous tangan semua jadi sejuk? Yes, pagi tadi dengan nervous, ditambah lagi dengan angin. Great weather. At least tak panas kan :)

Masuk dewan. YES, FREAKING SCARED :\

Names by names were called................................................
*dancingdancing* *shuffling* K,stop.

I didn't cry, which is agak pelik. Senyum, sengih sahaja. Hehehehe.
Got a flower as an appreciation of my result :') Thankyou.


Where are the boys? Behind us. Hihihihi.

Alhamdulillah Alhamdulilah Alhamdulillah. I thank Allah swt for granting my prayer :') I thank my parents for their support and of course, without their Doa how can I achieve this? And most of all, I thank my teachers for their hard work. Seriously, tanpa cikgu semua takkan berdirinya saya atas pentas dalam gambar tuu :') Especially for Geografi and Sejarah. I love you lah Cg Roslina and Bondaa! :D

TePCES 96's Batch. We made it guys! We create a history! 85 Straight As out of 195 candidates! 7As 40+ candidates. We are the best! Though you didn't strive Straight As, you already done your best. You already gave 120% for the preparation before the examination. Please my dear, we still have the chance to shine and steal the spotlight for SPM! 2013 is waiting for us. SPM is waiting for us. I am proud of what you'd achieved today, my friends. NEVER SAY NEVER. It's never too late to change our attitude. It's never too late to change your lazy-ness. 

Alhamdulillah :')

And, thank you to all wishers yang wish congrats through Facebook. Terharu woiii!
Wallpost korang, message korang, chat korang begitu berharga. Hehehehe. Macam wish birthday je x)

My favourite wishers was, of course, Faezezanee Rusdi and Heidi Maryssa :]

Why? Because this Iphone4 Case is freaking yummy! 
Thankyou Heidi, eventhought gambar je :p

And, this is my  favoritas forevas
InsyaAllah, kalau memang tulang rusuk ini milik awak, I won't go anywhere :')
I sayang awak very the banyaaak. Ich liebe dich :')

So, 95's and 97's. Be prepared for a hectic year. Struggle and work hard to achieve those possible Straight As! Everyone have the opportunity! 95's, goodluck for SPM next year :) This is the most important part to start off your future. And, 97's goodluck for PMR! Ain't that hard :B Trust me..

Okay then, Assalamualaikum :)

Lots of love, Syafiqah Ismail. Xoxo