Hey and Assalamualaikum :)
Right now. At this particular moment. I really am missing you. I miss those sweet moments. How I wish I could turn back the clock. But I can't. I can't but if I can, I really would. I WOULD. I'm having these undescribeable feelings again. Care to calm me down with your sweets words? I don't know why but I miss the sweetness inside of you. I don't know why I can't feel the sweetness. I.......ahh... I just miss you so much.
I 'm clueless why I'm being such a baby right now. A baby that cries everynight.
I kept posting about love. How boring ahh? I'm sorry.
Forever does exist. It's only the matter of time. Forever exist in the Hereafter.
I'm sorry. This is a very short post.
Lots of love, SyafiqahIsmail. Xoxo.