Monday, November 21, 2011

A question left unanswered.

Hai and Assalamualaikum :)

I really do envy people who have bettter English than I am. Besides that they have the apt used of vocabulary, the way of using it is just such an outstanding for me. High level of English and the word the use is kind of bizarre. Yes, simply jealous of them because a few of them are younger than me which make me feels ashamed of myself. Despite that I'm older than them, they have such incredible ideas of writing and narrating a paragraph, which really wows me. What an amazing kid.

So hey blogreaders :) Phewww, what a way to start a post huh?

One question eh, what's the purpose of me creating the blog eh? Frankly speaking, I just wanna have fun, y'know. This person have a blog, that person have a blog and automatically, you'll be dying to have one too. Don't lie to me. I know you want to build one blog but your laziness take over you. Am I right? Don't shake your head, NOD! Okay okay, I'm just messing around. Chill laa. Somehow I think life should be a personal thing. It's okay to share with this but not too much. Y'know?

So, why am I sharing my life journal with you when it has to be a personal thing. To be truth, I've got no idea. Back then, I was desperately to share everything to my blog but sometimes we have to put a limit of it. For instance, your family's secret could be reveal. And so many things. In all of things in life , why do we share our personal life,which clearly is a personal thing. So I guess, from now on, I ain't gonna update my daily life but just on certain things that possibly can inspire people or I can blew people mind with some strange facts about the world or just narrate about teens love, which for sure can increase the amount of my blog viewers :p Teens - Love. Two things that cant be separated. Screw you if love is just about boys. It can be love towards parents, towards creatures, towards technologies and the most important is love towards Him, The One that creates this beautiful world :')

Well, some things are meant to be bottled up as a secret. You don't simply reveal your secret, don't you? I really don't know how can I write such serious post right now, but my life is my privacy. Ain't gonna spit out everything and every inch of it. Limit. Hey, I'm not influencing you to stop blogging about your life is it? Im just saying that you should hide some privacy of your life instead of sharing with the public. Peace blogmister and blogmistress, babes and dudes. I'm just stating and sharing my opinion with my bloggerhearts :)

Well, see you very soon in this blog again. I'll write again ;)